My Wedding Toolbox — A Stand-up Celebrant - Melbourne Weddings

Everything you need to know about choosing a (very) good Celebrant.


My Wedding Toolbox

This toolbox is JACKED with everything you need to create the best wedding ceremony ever.

I’ve scooped out all the wrenches, screws and dynabolts and replaced them with vows instructions, celebrant guides and how much tongue to use during your wedding kiss (hint - less is more).

And if you have a direct question to ask, shoot it through below :)


LOVE to LOLs Ratio

Select your perfect blend of laughs and awws…


Writing Your Vows Guide

Hitting the wall with your vows? Never fear! This guide is here to help…


Guide to Picking the Best Celebrant in Melbourne

This guide has EVERYTHING a good fun celebrant MUST possess. You know I’m serious when I write TWO capitalised words (now three).


Wedding Ceremony Tips

All the essentials - how to kiss at your ceremony, help with your vows, proper proposing technique…


Ceremony Readings

Select from a number of serious and funny ceremony readings…


My Wedding Recommendations

The finest of folks I’ve worked alongside…



What if your celebrant can be your best friend? It can! No course or study required :)