The Confidence Cabin is where we discuss everything about you and your partner.
Together, we’ll filter what you do and don’t want in your ceremony script.
None of the details leave those cabin walls. Even the bad stuff.
You might’ve thrown eggs together at your ex’s car. You may have made love in a public library (that’s not that bad). Perhaps you hit a grandma and sped off (that’s pretty bad).
Whatever it is, your secret is safe with me.
People close to me will be like: Paul, you can’t keep a secret to save your life. That’s true – but only when it comes to friends and family.
When you hand me your hard-earned cash, I promise everything is confidential (I put that word in italics so you know it’s true).
Are there exceptions? Sure.
Are you related? Yuck. Find someone else. There’s plenty of Melbourne Celebrants out there.
Do you ride up the left-hand land knowing it’s gonna end then merge abruptly at the end? Get out.
Did you abandon your dog? I hate you.
Apart from that, I keep it all under my hat. And I need never take that hat off… literally and physically because I don’t have much hair left.
To put it frankly, if I ever let out a secret of yours, I’ll subtract one year from my life.
And I plan to live a long time. I’m in great shape.
You don’t need to knock. There’s no doorbell. Come right in - you’re always welcome.
See you in the ‘cab.