Young, fun (reasonably handsome) Wedding Celebrant.
Hey! My name’s Paul and I’m a full-time Celebrant based in Collingwood.
I’ll be flat-out honest with you – I have selfish reasons for wanting to be your wedding celebrant.
I dig the stage. As a stand-up comedian I’ve been lucky enough to jump up on stages around Victoria and perform at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Getting up on stage scares a lot of people. Understandably so. I love it. It’s a thrill.
I love writing. I’m a natural storyteller and have written features for Bernard Fanning, Jimmy Barnes, The Rubens and Gareth Liddiard (excuse me while I pick those names up off the floor).
As a marriage celebrant I get to combine those two things.
My business partner, Winnie.
For me that’s like hitting a triple-word score with two q’s and a z. It’s like slapping down a draw-four wildcard. It’s like beating Rainbow Road on Mario Kart. It’s like… you get the picture.
I’m Melbourne based. I live in Collingwood but can travel from the Peninsula to the Yarra Valley to Geelong. I do weddings in Melbourne. I’m repeating the word Melbourne because it’s great for Google search.
I also have some cool features like 'Pimp My Celebrant' - it lets you choose exactly what you want me to wear!
I want to be at your wedding and create a ceremony your guests won’t stop talking about. I want to write about how you met, what you enjoy about each other and why one of you snores like a German trooper.
I can’t build a cupboard. I’m awful at fractions. I barely know how to cook a jaffle.
The things you are passionate about in life are the things you do best.
This is what I do best.
Paul Bonadio – A Stand-up Celebrant
0417 502 921
p.s. Melbourne